Natural Gas Stations – Cleaner Fuel For Your Vehicle
Posted by admin at 11 March 2015, at 14 : 09 PM

Natural gas stations supply vehicles with natural gas, which is the cleanest fossil fuel known to mankind. We use all the time, at home to heat or cook, or to dry our clothes. Well, natural gas has another application and that is to power our vehicles. The transportation industry is responsible for over 30% of the green house gas emitted into the atmosphere. If we use natural gas in cars, we will reduce the Green House Gases with up to 30%. On top of that, vehicles powered by natural gas reduce smog related emissions and unhealthy air contaminants.
Natural gas stations are also known as Public CNGs, which stands for Compressed Natural Gas Station. Such public CNGs are being opened at a very high rate, because people are beginning to realize the seriousness of the problem. Seoul City is setting an example in China as about 40% of all buses are running on CNG in Seoul.
The great thing about natural gas is that North America has plenty of it and it’s virtually pollution-free. According to the Natural Gas Supply Association, we have reserves for at least 60 years. The only drawback of natural gas cars is that there aren’t much natural gas stations to make these vehicles practical for cross-country drives. NGC don’t have the driving range of gasoline-powered cars and fuel-tanks take up more space. But perhaps the solution to the lack of gas stations is the following. Drivers can even fill up in their own garages every night.
The home unit is produced by FuelMaker and it can refill a car overnight using the home’s natural-gas supply line. The unit is called Phill and it can be mounted on a garage wall, because it’s about the size of old street telephone. It’s priced at $4,000, but you will get $2,000 in tax deductions for buying a fuel alternative vehicle.
The only natural gas car available on the market today is Honda Civic GX. The price of the basic model is $24,590. The EPA rates this vehicle at 28 miles a gallon in the city, 39 on the highway. For the American market, the models are produced in the East Liberty, Ohio, plant, where the other Civic models are also produced. Natural gas creates so few emissions that the Civic GX is even greener than Toyota Prius, which is a gasoline-electric hybrid. You might find it hard to believe but on a smoggy day, the GX’s exhaust is cleaner than the air we breath.