How To Find What Repairs A Used Car Has Undergone
Posted by admin at 21 February 2016, at 20 : 08 PM

If you are about to buy a used vehicle, it is essential that you check all relevant details so that you have no regrets later on. It is important that you run a vehicle repair history check. It is important because you must know about the vehicle’s exact condition, instead of relying on the information given by the seller, because there is a large possibility that the seller is not being totally truthful.
A vehicle repair history check tells you about the history of any repairs done on the vehicle. It also informs you about the vehicle’s owner. Apart from the services done on the vehicle, it also gives you other minuscule information such as the type of repair work done on the vehicle. It tells us about the used vehicle’s actual condition at the time of purchase. It can help you if you know everything about the vehicle beforehand, as it helps you to bargain in a better way and get a better deal. Sometimes, it can even save you from a fraud.
You must be thinking that it is very difficult to get the vehicle history, but it is not as difficult as it seems. You just have to spend a little of your time and you have the vehicle’s full repair history in your hand.
You just need to obtain the Vehicle Identification Number, popularly known as VIN. It is not very hard to obtain. It can easily be spotted on the car’s door, on the compartment of the engine and/or on the dashboard, engraved on a metal plate. This Vehicle Identification Number can provide you information about the vehicle’s repair history that can be very crucial.
One way of discovering what repairs have been done on a vehicle is to contact the dealer who sold the vehicle. The dealer will inform you about the repairs done on the vehicle if it was done in his workshop. If the vehicle was not repaired in the dealer’s workshop, then it is advisable to ask the seller. The seller would be able to give you details about the workshop where the vehicle was repaired. You then just have to visit the workshop. These workshops have the records of the vehicles repaired there, in a computerized form. You just have to give them the VIN and they will tell you about the vehicle’s repair history.
However, the best way of discovering a vehicle’s repair history is to carry out a complete vehicle history check through one of the registered agencies. By running an online vehicle history check you will have full details of what repairs the vehicle has undergone in its lifetime. This will make it impossible for a seller to give false information and is a good way for a prospective buyer of a used car to protect himself.
As you probably already know, having details of a used car’s history is essential before purchase. And with online car history checking services offering a full repair history so easily and quickly, there is no excuse for any prospective used car buyer to not take this simple step to protect themselves.