Replacing Gas Struts on Your Car
Posted by admin at 17 April 2014, at 16 : 59 PM

Generally, there are two places you’re likely to find gas struts on your car; under the hood and under the trunk. Not all cars will have them of course – it wasn’t until fairly recently in the automotive world that gas struts became commonplace under the hood, replacing those awkward metal bars. Modern Camaros have them, but you’ll only find them at the back in older ones.
Gas struts are usually pretty reliable, but they can wear out, and when they do there’s not much option other than to replace them quickly, as trying to open the trunk without them is pretty difficult. Fortunately, the process isn’t hard at all, and this quick step-by-step guide will help you get the job done in minutes.
Safety First
Before starting, there are two very important safety considerations. The first is that changing a strut is always a two person job. One person needs to be holding the lid open, because you don’t want it falling while you’re under there. The second is that you must not use any kind of clamp or cutting tool on the strut itself – it can be dangerous.
Band or Pin?
The first thing to do is have a look at the old strut to find out whether the ball joint is held together by a band or a pin.
If there’s a band in place, you’ll need a flat head screwdriver to prize it off. There’s usually a groove through which you can slide the head, and then it’s simply a case of levering backwards. It’s not generally necessary for you to take the retaining band off; you’ll be able to feel when the strut is loose.
If your strut has a pin-type retainer, then you’ll need to remove the metal clip, and then slide out the pin. If this has seized then you may need some tweezers or very narrow pliers to pull it out. Again, be careful when doing this, the strut contains pressurized gas and must not be damaged.
Once you’ve removed the old strut, it’s simply a case of clicking the new one into place. Band-type struts usually snap on to the ball joint, but the pin-type will need sliding in. Ensure that the strut is secure before your assistant releases the hood or trunk lid.