4 Things You Should Never Do When Car Shopping
Posted by admin at 7 December 2018, at 14 : 03 PM

It’s okay to admit it. We all feel a little twinge of excitement when the realization dawns on us that our old faithful vehicle is on its last legs. It may mean that we have to say goodbye to a car that’s been a trusty steed, but it also means that we’ll be able to go car shopping. And let’s face it, car shopping is a fun and exciting activity.
Moreover, now is the perfect time to start shopping for a new car. In the run-up to Christmas many dealerships experience a slump in traffic meaning that you can pick up some incredible deals on new and used cars. When car shopping, however, there are some bad habits which we can all fall into which may undermine our position of negotiation or see us spend more on a new vehicle than we should. Here are 4 things that you should never do when shopping for a new vehicle…
Fall in love
Never, ever fall in love with a car. That old saying about how there are plenty more fish in the sea? It’s probably more true for cars than it is for human beings. When you see a car that ticks all of your boxes but is just outside of your price range, you may fall obsessively in love with it. This will lead you to either be devastated when it is sold to someone else, or lead you to go over budget on a car that’s surplus to requirements. This can have a knock-on effect on your financing options and leave you with less disposable income for the next few years.
Take your Dad
Younger readers may feel that taking a parent along with them is helpful, especially when buying their first car. After all, they’ve been driving for longer than you and will know more about what to look for. Plus, let’s face it, most Dads practically insist on joining us when we go car shopping. However, car shopping with your Dad in tow can send the wrong messages to the sales professional. It implies that you don’t know what you’re talking about and that you’ll be a pushover in negotiations without a parent present. It’s far better to educate yourself and then sly solo.
Settle for the sticker price
Car dealerships build substantial profit margins into their sticker prices. Unless you absolutely, positively have to have that car before someone else drives it off the lot, we do not recommend settling for the sticker price. Don’t be afraid to negotiate. Sales professionals will expect it. And they will always deal with their boss on your behalf so long as your expectations are reasonable. After all, they want the commission.
While car sales professionals are polite, personable and engaging, they may play hardball in negotiations. Thus, as exciting as shopping for a new car may be, beware the dangers of oversharing. The more a sales professional knows about you, the more they are at an advantage. For example, if you let your sales professional know upfront that you’ll be paying cash, this will cause you to tip your hand to them. Sales professionals make more money from vehicles bought with finance and they may hike up the sticker price if they know that you’re paying cash.
Steer clear of these faux pas and you’ll get yourself a great deal on a vehicle you’ll love for years to come.