Volkswagen Golf reaches 30 million models around the world
Posted by admin at 16 June 2013, at 22 : 35 PM

The Volkswagen Golf TDI BlueMotion is the 30 millionth model produced by Volkswagen. This Golf is a seventh generation model. This model is also the most fuel efficient Volkswagen Golf ever built. An average fuel consumption is only 3.2 liters of diesel for 100 km.
The very first Volkswagen Golf was released back in 1974. It was the first generation model, and it was called as “Golf I”. The first generation models were released until 1983. This model compared to the newest generation models looks really primitive, but their age difference is almost 40 years, so it’s all good with the looks.
The second generation Volkswagen Golf started its era in 1983 as “Golf II”, and it lasted until 1991. The second generation Golf wasn’t looking too different from the first generation models; only small minor changes were made to the exterior, but a lot of new changes were made for the engine.
The third generation Volkswagen Golf was born in 1991, and its productions lasted until 1997. The exterior had some improvements on it compared to the previous models. The interior had front air bags. In 1993, Volkswagen started to put TDI turbo diesel engines in this series Golfs.
The fourth generation Volkswagen Golf had some even more new improvements on the exterior. Productions started in 1997 and lasted until 2003. The new model had some major improvements in the interior. Overall, the car looked completely better than the previous models, and it was just a more modern model.
The fifth generation Volkswagen Golf’s exterior became 35% more stiff compared to the previous fourth generation model. Productions started in 2003 and lasted until 2008. In 2007, Volkswagen introduced the fifth generation Golf TDI BlueMotion with a very impressive fuel efficiency. An average fuel consumption was only 4.5 Liters for 100 km.
The sixth generation Volkswagen Golf started its productions in 2008 and lasted until 2012. The new model was even better. It had even better fuel economy than the previous generation model had. The sixth generation model Golf TDI BlueMotion had an average fuel efficiency of 3.8 Liters for 100 km, that is 0.7 Liters less compared to the previous generation model.
The seventh generation Volkswagen Golf made its debut in late 2012. The new model has even better fuel economy, and overall it’s a completely better car compared to the previous models.
The latest known upcoming model will be the 2015 Volkswagen Golf GTD. The new model promises a lot of good things about it. You can see in the picture below how it’s going to look like.