11 Things You Might Not Think About When Buying A New Car
Posted by admin at 11 December 2020, at 12 : 39 PM

Buying a new car is exciting, and whether you’re on the market for a new car as your current car is getting older, or it’s your first time buying a car after passing your test, there are many questions you should be asking that you may not think about when buying a new car. This can lead to disappointment with your purchase, and having to learn to deal with a car you’re not really happy with. Here are some things you might not think about when buying a new car so that when you next come to buy one, you can ask the right questions and be sure that this is the car for you.
How high will the insurance be?
Different cars will have their own features that could make your insurance premium either higher or lower. For example, if you’re planning on buying a sports car that’s quite pricey, you can also expect to pay a high insurance premium on the car too. If you’ve got your eye on a particular model of car, use insurance comparison sites to see what kind of price you’ll be paying for your insurance, and whether you can realistically afford it.
What does the warranty provide?
If you’re planning on buying a new car, or one through finance, then your car will come with a warranty which means that whoever you’re purchasing it from will repair certain damages than can happen over time. It’s important to check the warranty thoroughly before committing to buying a car in case the dealership doesn’t offer as many services as you’d like. After all, if you’re spending extra money on a new car, you want to get the best bang for your buck!
Will it attract thieves?
Cars get broken into all of the time, and sometimes a thief isn’t necessarily looking at what kind of car they’re stealing. However, a high-class car is more likely to attract thieves than your general run for the money car, and if you’re planning on spending your money on a flashy car, you need to think about how you’re going to protect the car from being stolen. You can rent garages to store your car overnight if you don’t have one at home, or choose a secure car park to reduce the chances of this happening to you.
Is it prone to break down?
Every car breaks down from time to time, but there are certain brands and models that are renowned for breaking down more often than others. If you’ve got your eye on a particular brand or model, do some research on how likely that car is to break down and if so, which parts are likely to break down. This will allow you to either price up spare car parts, or make the decision to go with an alternative model.
Is the engine the right size for me?
Why choose a 1 litre if you can get a 1.6 for the same price, right?! Actually, sometimes a smaller engine might be better suited for your needs. If you’re simply using your car as a city runaround to get to work and back, then a smaller engine might be at better use, not to mention a reduction in fuel consumption. However, if you regularly make long journeys at higher speeds, a larger engine might be more efficient for you. Take some time to think about what you need a car for before making any final decisions.
What kind of security features are there?
Even if your car isn’t necessarily prone to attracting thieves, that doesn’t mean it won’t get stolen. Look for safety features such as alarms, an immobiliser, car tracking systems, and brake locking abilities so that if someone does attempt to steal your car, they will quickly become deterred or at least, not get very far with your car. You may also consider buying a steering wheel lock that can only be removed with a special key, therefore preventing any thief from driving off with your car.
Can I easily customise my car?
One of the best parts of owning a car for some people is the ability to customise it to their personal styles, and if this is something you want to do, it’s worth checking what’s available on the market beforehand. Are there interchangeable bumpers and spoilers you could easily buy for your car? If not, this could be a deal breaker.
Will I need a specialist mechanic?
Some cars have such intricate inner workings that a regular mechanic may not be able to repair or replace it, and it will have to be seen by a specialist mechanic. Before buying any car, check to see if this is something you’ll need to find and if you do, how accessible they are where you live.
How much are spare parts?
It’s not unusual for cars to break down from time to time and need some parts replaced, but what happens if your car has spare parts that cost way more than expected? Do a quick search before committing to buy a car so that you know what you’re in for when your car does eventually break down.
Are there any better alternatives?
While you might have your sights set on a certain brand or model, you should sit back and realistically think about whether there are any better alternatives. Could you get a bigger car for the same price, or would you be able to buy a more economic car with your budget? All of this is worth thinking about before spending your hard earned money on a car.
Can I afford to run the car?
Finally, think about the total cost of running that particular car including purchase, fuel, insurance, servicing, MOT and repairs. If the figure you get is too high, it might be time to look at alternative models or lowering your expectations a little!