4 Lessons That Every New Driver Needs To Learn
Posted by admin at 3 August 2018, at 10 : 54 AM

So, you think you’re ready to take those four wheels out for a spin, do you? Well, before you get too carried away, it’s important to make sure that you are going to be safe on the road. To guarantee this, there are just a few lessons that you need to learn. Interestingly, they might not teach you some of these when you get your driving license. But they are still worth knowing, regardless.
Picking Up A Hitchhiker Is Always Dangerous
You might be tempted to stop for a hitchhiker. It’s true, there are quite a few hitchhikers walking along the highways today. It’s a cheap way to get to a destination, and it has been romanticised in a number of movies and TV shows. Make no mistake though, picking up a hitchhiker is always a big risk. You don’t know who they are, what they are capable of or what their intentions are. The easiest way to look at it is like this. Would you invite a stranger into your home? Then why on earth would you let them into your vehicle?
It’s often younger drivers who pick up hitchhikers, mainly because they have a level of naivety and want to do some good. Unfortunately, these drivers are also some of the most vulnerable on the road.
Don’t Pull-Over For An Unmarked Police Car
You are under no legal obligation to pull over for an unmarked police car. At least, not until you feel it is safe to do so. As such, if you pull over, you should always wait until you have found a crowded area or a place with other cars and people. Be aware that pretending to be the police is one of the ways that criminals complete carjackings in America. Don’t pull over at the side of a quiet road for an unmarked car. This could be very dangerous. If the police officer claims that you should have pulled over immediately explain calmly that you did not feel safe to do so.
Always Check Your Car Before Driving
A lot of accidents are caused by drivers simply not checking their car before they leave the road. It’s not uncommon for accident lawyers to have to deal with a defendant who had low tread on their tires causing them to collide with the other vehicle due to a lack of control. You don’t want to be in the situation, and if you complete basic checks, it’s easy to avoid this type of scenario and make sure that your own car is safe for use.
Not Even Once
There are certain things that you shouldn’t risk even once on the road. These are driving after drinking, taking drugs or using your phone. You may also want to avoid eating and drinking anything while driving, despite this being legal in some areas. Anything that takes your attention away from the road is a threat and could result in a nasty collision.
Learn these lessons, and you will be far safer on the roads when you travel.