Checking For Water Damage Through A Water Damaged Vehicles History Check
Posted by admin at 18 May 2015, at 16 : 45 PM

If you are planning to buy a vehicle, it’s important to make several checks. Some required checks include check on its condition, and whether it has been flooded or not in the past. Even if you know that the vehicle has been water damaged, you must know the facts relating to it. Thus, the water damaged vehicles history check is also essential to know.
Here are certain tips to keep in mind while buying a used car that was water-damaged:
1. You should always check the car for the signs of the rust in vehicle, glove compartment, and beneath the seats and dashboard.
2. You should also check for mud and silt. These are the dead giveaways indicating the water-damaged nature of the car.
3. You should also have a look at the upholstery in the vehicle. In case of mismatch with the interior or if it fits loosely, then it would require a replacement for the real material that was in the car.
4. You should open the doors and inhale deeply. The presence of a musty odor indicates some sort of problem. Also, if you smell air fresheners, be wary. The dealer may be trying to hide some of the problems.
5. Test the parts of the car to look for their effective working. Check whether the turn signals, wind shield wipers, and heater are working properly or not.
6. Check under the dashboard to see the wires thoroughly. If the wires were wet before, they will be brittle and may perhaps crack as you flex them. Above all, consult a mechanic to look for any mechanical fault in the car.
Note that a water damaged car refers to any motor vehicle whose power train, computer, or electrical system has been damaged by flooding. So the seller of such a vehicle should present the document of water damage report to the buyer before selling it.
When such transparency doesn’t take place, it is up to the buyer to be aware and check into such details. By queries on these issues, a buyer would be able to assess the real picture. You can also take the help of various online sites to check the flood damage of your car. These websites will be able to conduct a flood damage check of the car as part of a general vehicle history check. With all the above points discussed, it is important to definitely have a report on the same. Water damaged vehicles history check thus becomes important and essential for the buyers to understand the extent of water damage on the car.