Top 3 Biggest Problems With Driving A Car
Posted by admin at 31 August 2016, at 17 : 28 PM

Believe it or not, but driving a car isn’t all fun and games. There are certain things that are very problematic. Take a look at this quick list to find out more:
Hidden Speed Limits
For me, a huge problem is hidden speed limits. Now, it may take some time for me to explain what I mean by this. Obviously, every road needs a speed limit, and it should be clear what it is. However, there are times where roads aren’t clearly signposted with the speed limit. Sometimes, the limit is painted on the road itself. As you can imagine, this makes it difficult to tell what the speed limit is. Paint can come off quickly, leaving you with no knowledge of the required speed. It’s especially problematic when you turn onto a new road and carry on driving at the same pace as the road before. The limit isn’t clearly shown to you, so you assume it’s the same. The next thing you know, you get a speeding ticket and some points off your license. It’s a massive problem, and really annoying too.
Dealing With Other Drivers
One of the biggest problems with owning a car is having to deal with other drivers. You enter the roads and have to put up with awful drivers. I’m not talking about people that drive slowly or just aren’t very good drivers. I’m on about people that make the road less safe for you and your passengers. People that drive around recklessly, putting you at risk of getting into an accident. There are so many cases where someone got into an accident because of another driver. It’s a huge problem, and you have to deal with it every day. If you ever get into an accident, then, you can read details from Black and Johnson on the steps to take. It’s vital that you do things correctly, as it can determine whether or not you get the right compensation.
Dozy Pedestrians
It’s amazing how many times you’ll encounter a dozy pedestrian when you drive. What I mean by this is you see someone that doesn’t pay attention to what they’re doing. They’ll just cross the road without looking and almost get hit by your car. Of course, car drivers are the ones that get the bad rep. If someone gets hit by a car, then the driver has to deal with the guilt for the rest of their life. Even though, a lot of the time, it was the pedestrian’s fault for crossing without looking in the middle of a street. Of course, thanks to Pokemon Go, this problem has become even worse. Now more than ever, you see people cross the road staring at their phones without any idea what’s going on. As a car driver, dozy pedestrians are a serious problem.
It’s a shame that these three problems exist, as they can ruin a nice car journey. Hopefully, the hidden speed limits will be addressed so every road has clear signs. As for the other two, those problems will be around forever!