Checks To Do On Your Car Before A Long Trip
Posted by admin at 4 November 2019, at 13 : 23 PM

You have everything planned. You know where you are driving, each place you will stop at, how much gas you’re going, and you’ve excitedly found roof top tents, the best camping bedding and a new stove.
Now all that is left are the car checks.
Millions of people drive hundreds of miles in their cars every year, and most of them will perform the same checks on the vehicle that are listed here.
To test your wipers, all you need to do is pour some water over your screen or squirt some windscreen fluid on to the screen and ensure the wipers remove it all. It is often the case when a car has been sitting for some time or going from dry weather into wet the windscreen will be extra dirty for a few seconds while you are driving. It pays to know that your wipers can manage the job.
You should check your oil and coolant levels. Many people don’t check their fluid levels often enough, and you might be surprised to find that you need a top-up of both; if they are particularly low, then you may well have a leak somewhere. While you’re at it, check brake fluid too. If you aren’t sure how to do this, then take it to a garage to get it done correctly.
Your brakes need to be in top condition before you leave. If you feel like they are spongey, soft, or it’s taking too long to brake, then you have to get these fixed before you go anywhere. Brake pads can wear down quickly, depending on the type of driver you are. While you are at it, check the handbrake too. If you find that your handbrake is clicking more than 4 times before your car is holding in place, then they’ll need to be looked at.
Spare Wheel
Many people have been caught out on a long trip by not having a spare wheel in the boot. As well as the spare tire, you might want to take a look and see if you have a jack and a spanner in there too. Just so, if you have a blowout that you can fix it and get back on the road as quickly as possible. Check the pressure in all of your tires and the spare too.
Depending on where you park your car, this can be more difficult to spot. You can get under the car and look for any apparent signs of leaking, or park your vehicle on a lighter road surface for an hour or more, then check for any fresh fluid under it. A mechanic will be able to fix leaks in no time for you.
Even if you don’t think you will be plagued by fog while you are on your road trip, you should still make sure that all of the lights on the car are working correctly. And while you’re thinking about it – put some spare bulbs in the glovebox.