The Costs Of Owning A Motorcycle
Posted by admin at 13 October 2020, at 08 : 06 AM

Owning a motorcycle is undoubtedly cheaper than owning a car. However, the costs can still add up – below are some of the main expenses involved with motorcycle ownership and how to reduce them.
Purchase price
The biggest initial cost to consider when you buy a bike is the purchase cost. If you decide to get a motorcycle from a dealership, consider looking into dealers that sell used bikes – these are a lot cheaper upfront that brand new bikes. New bikes can be cheaper in the long run, but you’ll pay more up front. Bikes with a low engine size are likely to be a lot cheaper and better for new riders.
Just like a car, it’s possible to buy a bike on finance and pay in installments. When looking into this option, make sure to shop around for finance schemes to find the best deal. There’s also the option of leasing a bike, but generally speaking this will work out more expensive in the long run than buying on finance (plus you don’t physically own it).
Riding equipment
Having all the right riding equipment is important for your personal safety. This includes a helmet, gloves, jacket trousers and boots. You’re only legally required to wear a helmet – but even so you shouldn’t skimp on other equipment.
A lot of people opt for traditional leather gear, however you can buy cheaper motorcycle gear made of other fabrics that is just as effective at preventing injury. It’s worth investing money into a decent helmet from a reputable manufacturer (old used helmets are best avoided). You can compare some of the best affordable helmets online.
Fuel & maintenance
Fuel is another cost to consider. Fuel efficiency varies from motorcycle to motorcycle. This is something worth looking into when initially buying a bike – on average, motorcycles are able to do 57mpg, so you should try to look for a bike around this figure. Newer bikes are likely to be more fuel efficient.
You’ll also have to factor in the cost of servicing and repairs. If you’re mechanically savvy, you may be able to do some of this yourself. If not, you should shop around for an affordable motorcycle repair centre in your area. Looking after your bike and getting faults repaired early will save you money on maintenance in the long run. Newer bikes won’t require as many frequent repairs (although an older bike that hasn’t done as many miles may also require less repairs).
You’ll also need insurance to ride a motorbike. Motorcycle insurance can vary a lot depending on the bike you choose and your experience as a rider. It’s always worth taking the time to shop around for quotes. A few things that can bring down the cost of your insurance include keeping your bike locked away somewhere safe, applying for insurance in advance and having a good credit score.