Defensive Driving Simplified
Posted by admin at 8 October 2017, at 17 : 12 PM

Defensive driving is something that is usually taught to drivers on their request. Anyone can sign up for defensive driving, but not everyone does it. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, it might be too expensive. Paying to run your car itself can already be quite costly, so only a few people would be able to afford to pay for an extra set of lessons while also owning a car. Next, you might be wondering what defensive driving can actually teach you. Some people think it’s all about driving to prepare for a crash or driving so slowly that you’d have virtually no chance of ending up in an accident.
There are plenty of misconceptions, but defensive driving can actually be simplified into a number of different points. In this short article, we’ll be going through the basics of defensive driving and how you can apply them to your own skills.
Putting Safety Before everything
Safety is of the utmost importance when driving. The worst thing that could happen when you don’t put safety first is a car accident because you weren’t wearing a seatbelt or giving way to larger vehicles. Many people end up in car accidents due to their own neglect and fault. Lots of people forget the safety features of their car, which is one of the major points in defensive driving. Learning about your vehicle, what it’s capable of and what safety features it has are an integral part of learning defensive driving.
Paying Attention to Things Around You
Spatial awareness is an important concept in defensive driving. To put it into a practical situation, imagine if you’re driving in the middle of a 3-lane road and you have people on either side of you. Most drivers would only pay attention to the road and nothing else. However, those with fantastic spatial awareness will be able to see both lanes of cars in addition to their own vehicle. If one of those cars makes a sudden movement, then, a driver trained in defensive driving will quickly be able to avoid them.
Have a Plan of Action
Defensive driving requires proactive action. Plan out what you’re going to do in the event of something bad going on in the car. It could be the brakes that aren’t working, maybe the road is too slippery or perhaps there are just a lot of drivers out today. Whatever the case is, make sure you have a plan of action that will help you get out of the situation unharmed and together with your passengers.
No Distractions Allowed
Distractions are one of the most common causes of car accidents. Whether it’s a phone or someone speaking to you in the back, distractions can have a nasty effect on your ability to focus. Defensive driving courses teach you all about how to avoid distractions, and it usually boils down to removing electronic devices and keeping your eyes peeled on the road. The fewer distractions you have, the safer your driving experience will be and the more attention you’ll pay to the road itself and not your car.