Flipping car while doing a driving test is not a good idea
Posted by admin at 5 August 2013, at 16 : 54 PM

Not so long ago, in South Korea, one woman was doing a driving test, but things went wrong within the first 10 seconds. She started to drive, but pressed the gas pedal a little too much and managed to flip the car. Tester was screaming to press the brakes, but she just kept her foot on the gas pedal and made one big fail.
The woman definitely can claim to be in the Guinness World Records, because I don’t think there’s anyone else who managed to flip a car so fast while doing a driving test. But obviously that is a joke, because it’s just a big fail, and no one gives awards for such failure.
The tester is definitely going to remember this day for a long time, but the same goes for the driver too. Not sure if she already tried to attempt another driving test, or if she’s even going to try it after such an incident. One thing is for sure, I definitely wouldn’t want to be her’s tester when she does it again.
Obviously we can’t be too harsh on the woman, because the nerves of failing a driving test did this (or not). You know when you are nervous about something, and you don’t want to fail it, sometimes it gets even more complicated to achieve it, and you fail just because of these nerves. Or sometimes you shouldn’t be doing something if you are not very good at it, or if you are terrible at it.
One woman actually managed to fail a driving test 949 times. 950th was the lucky one, and she successfully got her driver’s license. It took 4 years for her to get her driver’s license, but at least at the end she was successful. Not sure how she can drive now (if she drives at all), because that was in 2009, but one thing is for sure, if you fail so many times, well, maybe it’s not for you, because no one wants another car crash on a public road because of such terrible driving skills. But it’s not for us to judge. Maybe she can drive quite well right now, and all these fails were because of the nerves (or not).
A video of this car flip was posted on YouTube, and you can see it below. It already has more than 1 million views on it and still rises quickly. It definitely got a lot of attention from the public. Don’t try to repeat this 🙂
EDIT (10-04-2014): unfortunately, the video has been removed from YouTube, and we don’t have another copy of it….