Licenses Aren’t Enough: Essential Education Your Kids Need

Posted by at 26 June 2018, at 15 : 28 PM

Licenses Aren’t Enough: Essential Education Your Kids Need

We all know that young drivers aren’t exactly the safest or most responsible drivers out there on average. This might be a generalization and there are certainly more conscientious teens out there, but the truth is that we leave most of them undereducated. We focus so much on them learning how to drive and abide by the rules of the road, that we neglect the gaps this can leave in their education. Here, we’re going to look at how you fill those gaps in and what the most common lapses are for young drivers.

How to focus on the road

The driving lesson and test environment doesn’t often represent what actual young drivers have to deal with. Getting a car and being legally able to drive it can be a huge moment in their life, but one of the biggest risks to young drivers is distraction. In particular, young drivers tend to be more inclined to treat the car as a new social opportunity and are prone to distraction by their friends. Teaching them the importance of defensive driving, focusing on the road, and getting rid of distractions even if it means being firm with their friends is crucial.

How to fit their car to their budget

Cars are costly. We all know that. They tend to take up the second biggest portion of our monthly budget, just after rent or home expenses. Your teen doesn’t have to deal with those yet, most likely, so the car is going to be the most expensive thing in their life. But that doesn’t mean it has to be as expensive as it is. Teaching them tips on how to find better insurance deals, like getting on your insurance or using black box contracts, can help them make huge savings. So, too, can teaching them how to drive more efficiently help them spend less on their fuel. There are savings to be made everywhere and cutting down on them is sure to be a lesson your kid will appreciate.

Licenses Aren't Enough: Essential Education Your Kids Need

How to care for their auto

The essential maintenance that every vehicle needs is a habit that will help make the car both safer and much more affordable. Most major malfunctions that can lead to risk on the road can be better caught in advance by those who take the time to maintain and care for their cars. What’s more, the more attention they pay and repairs they can make themselves, the less they are likely to spend at the garage. Teaching our kids that not all maintenance has to be done by mechanics will help them get to know their machines much better, which brings with it a whole range of benefits.

How to react to an accident

Everyone is likely to get into an accident at some point. In fact, the statistics suggest that every driver experience two road accidents or collisions in their lifetime. So, it’s not wise to have your young driver think they are exempt and that they will never get in a collision, even if they’re not careful. It leaves them unprepared for how to deal with it. Being able to ensure they get themselves to safety, collection evidence of the circumstances of the crash can all help them protect themselves from the serious long-term effects of a crash. For instance, they will be able to ensure that the right parties are held responsible, so they don’t have to deal with all the costs themselves.

Licenses Aren't Enough: Essential Education Your Kids Need

How to handle a breakdown

A breakdown might not be quite as dramatic as a collision, but it can be just as dangerous if you’re unprepared for it. When you’re left on the side of the road, you are vulnerable to the traffic behind you. Teaching your kids the importance of an emergency kit, including a working phone, high visibility cones for the car, and essential hardware like jumper cables, can help them stay safe and get help as soon as possible after the car breaks down. Of course, focusing on the tips regarding routine maintenance as mentioned above are going to make breakdowns much less common, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be prepared for them.

Everyone is susceptible on the road, and the knowledge we take the time to learn (and to pass on) helps decrease that vulnerability, as well as increasing our chances of dealing with challenges in the best possible way. Make sure you’re not leaving the young drivers in your life undereducated.

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