Kid’s First Car Driving You Round The Benz?
Posted by admin at 27 November 2017, at 11 : 22 AM

Any parent looks forward to buying their child’s first car and dreads it in equal measure. This is the first vehicle they’ll take on the road, and getting it wrong could do real damage. Plus, it’s one of those sentimental ‘my baby’s growing up’ moments. Can’t they stay in the crib forever?
But, no matter how upsetting it is, part of you probably can’t wait to see their face when you show them what you’ve bought. That said, you have to decide what you’re getting before you can reach to that stage. And, it isn’t always an easy choice to make.
Many parents fall back on dream cars their children have always wanted. Some also decide to turn to first car checklists valuing safety and reviews. But, if you’re struggling to make a decision, you might want to think about these lesser considered options.
A driving experience they’re used to
A shockingly small amount of parents think about the car their kids learnt in at this stage. But, it’s a step worth taking. Even if you don’t want to buy that exact model, stick to options which offer a similar driving experience. If they learn in a manual vehicle, buying them an automatic would be a mistake. Equally, if they learn in a modern car, an older model may confuse them. Take time to consider this before taking action. They’re going to have a lot to deal with when they start driving solo. Do you want to add to that?
If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to contact their driving instructor and ask about the vehicle they use. The chances are that they’ll be more than happy to answer your questions. And, you can then set about buying a car your child will recognize.
Something cheap
Some parents hate the idea of buying their kid a cheap car. After all, you want the best for your baby. But, first vehicles aren’t for life. This is just a tester to help ease them onto the road. It’s not unusual for them to move onto another vehicle within a year or two. So, spending above the odds wouldn’t pay off. Instead, turn to car dealers who offer used options. You can still find someone amazing cars; it just won’t be quite so painful when your kid decides to move on.
An insurance friendly choice
New drivers always face higher insurance costs. This is especially the case if they’re young to boot. Add a snazzy new sports car into the mix, and your kid’s looking at insurance through the roof. Instead, look out for options with cheap insurance. Popular choices include the Vauxhall Corsa and the Ford Ka. These are still fantastic cars, but you can rest easy that the costs will be lower. If in doubt, it’s easy to estimate how much insurance they’d have to pay. Check the prices of a few different companies before making any purchases. And, rest easy that this consideration can also ensure you’re choosing a safe pick.