Four Road Safety Innovations to Know About This 2020
Posted by admin at 12 September 2020, at 07 : 16 AM

There are a number of exciting innovations in transport safety that have been safely tested in many countries and, soon, could be available in newer car markets around the world. Road safety has always been an important agenda for the automotive industry since it is the life and limb of the motorist and passenger, who are the main and most important industry customers, that is at stake.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 1.35 million people die each year due to a vehicle-related incident. Of that number, more than half of the deaths involve motorcycle riders, cyclists, and pedestrians. In fact, road accidents are also the leading cause of death among children and young adults in the age range of five to 29. In terms of economic impact, for most countries, the number of road accidents actually cost an average of three percent of their gross domestic product.
Basic Checks for Road Safety
Given the stark realities of road risks and safety concerns, many responsible motorists have been investing time and resources to keep their vehicles in tip-top shape. Some who use trucks and high torque vehicles usually look for a replacement diesel engine kit to help ensure their vehicle generates the right amount of power when they need it. Others focus on the wheel sets and suspension system since these parts help carry all the weight of the vehicle. Quite a number of experienced drivers make sure the hydraulics are good and lubrication oil levels are adequate.
Indeed, there are a hundred and one things to check to make sure that a vehicle runs well and the chances of it bogging down are close to nil. Perhaps the most basic safety check is encapsulated in the acronym BLOWBAGS that stands for battery, lights, oil, water, brake, air, gas, engine, tire, and self. No one must drive a vehicle without going through these nine points, especially the last one. Often, accidents happen due to human error or irresponsibility which includes driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, sleeplessness, or being distracted by the use of a smartphone and other gadgets.
Aside from these basic safety checks on a vehicle, it may be well worth considering these new technologies that were designed to reduce road accidents and protect human lives:
360 Vision
One of the best innovations for road safety is the 360-degree vision mirror. The traditional rear view mirror is officially obsolete, at least for the latest car models. With an all-around view from inside the car, the driver will no longer have the so-called blind side which is so common in cars that have a very sleek front hood and windshield. Using the mirror as a multi-angle eye, the driver can now see and monitor what is happening around the vehicle.
Lane Alert
Diverting from one’s lane is one of the most common causes of fender-benders especially in wide highways and city streets. To prevent this, car manufacturers have installed special sensors in the latest car models that will detect and alert the driver if the vehicle is swerving and moving away from its designated lane.
Car-to-car Communication
In what could be among the top innovations for road safety, WiFi-enabled car-to-car communication is set to bring motoring to a higher level of safety.; Since the Wi-Fi installed in cars can send signals, some car manufacturers have already programmed car computer sensors to detect speed, direction, and possible collision with another car or object. Automatically, the car computer will use the Wi-Fi signal to send a message or alert to another WiFi-enabled car so that the two vehicles can avoid a collision. The warning system may be designed specifically to alert the drivers. However, sometime in the future, artificial intelligence (AI) may take over and cars would only need to communicate from one computer to another without the need for human intervention.
Adaptive Cruise Control
Adaptive cruise control is another amazing safety feature in newer car models. Leveraging the power of radar technology, the cruise control is able to adjust a car’s cruising speed so that it avoids a collision with other cars or objects on the road. Some settings in cars with adaptive cruise control may either slow down the car or put it to a full stop before allowing the vehicle to slowly accelerate. This technology also allows the driver to set a safe distance between cars, with the speed adjusting automatically to maintain a safe range in between cars.
Safety Begins with the Individual Mindset
It needs to be emphasized, however, that no matter what advancements in technology are achieved, the bottom line is that road safety starts with the mindset of the individual. A driver must understand that his or her life is precious, and so are the lives of other drivers, passengers, and even pedestrians on the road. Driving with a license is actually a privilege and only those who care for their lives and the lives of others should handle vehicles. Whether for sport, for work, or for leisure, the use of cars and other vehicles must always be guided by road safety principles and rules.