Four Unfortunate Realities Every Driver Must Prepare For
Posted by admin at 7 November 2017, at 23 : 53 PM

Becoming a driver comes with a whole new range of possibilities, freedoms, and convenience that makes the effort to get a license a no-brainer for most people. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Before every driver sets off on the road, they should be well aware of the less pretty realities of owning a car.
The nightmare driver
It’s a problem you’re going to run into eventually and most likely before the others in this article. There are plenty of stereotypical examples of bad drivers, and the bad news is that they all their grounding firmly in reality. From the boy racer to the texter, you’re going to come across all kinds of irresponsible behavior on the road. Beyond making sure you don’t partake in the same follies, learning how to extract yourself from getting entangled with these walking (and driving) clichés is going to help you stay a lot safer on the road. For instance, if you come across the snail on the road, the person who just can’t seem to keep with the flow of traffic, then, knowing how to safely overtake them is a crucial way to deal with them.
The impromptu stop
If it’s not the other drivers on the road giving you hassle, it’s just as often your own car. Being proactive with your own maintenance is one way to prevent a car breakdown, but it doesn’t have a 100% effective guarantee. You have to know how to deal with a breakdown as well. This means preparing an emergency kit to keep you and the vehicle safe, learning some of the quick fixes that could get you back up and running and, most importantly, having some kind of break down service ready at the end of a phone line if you can’t handle it yourself.
The road accident
It might sound pessimistic, but you’re much more likely to be involved in a collision than not. Current statistics say every driver is likely to be involved in at least two in their lifetime. So, knowing what to do after a car accident is crucial. Making sure you’re able to prove you’re not at fault by being proactive with evidence collecting can stop you from having to pay the lion’s share of any repair of medical bills needed. Having good legal advice ready and waiting can make sure you’re given what’s due in situations where a collision isn’t your fault, too.
The soaring repair costs
Even if you take good care of your vehicle and don’t get into any collisions, your car is going to need work. Some of it will be general upkeep like getting an oil change and replacing spark plugs. In those cases, you can cut repair costs simply by learning to take care of more common maintenance yourself. Otherwise, make sure you’re relying on only the most trustworthy garages. Check that they have a good reputation and that their estimate and billing processes are transparent, showing exactly what you’re paying for and why.
Driving can be costly, inconvenient, and dangerous. It has its risks, and failing to prepare for them is the easier way to be hit by the full brunt of them. If you’re a new driver or you’re helping someone in your family earn their way to car ownership, make sure those preparations are made.