Junking your Clunker
Posted by admin at 5 April 2017, at 22 : 12 PM

If you’ve got a junk car sitting in your yard or garage, chances are you want it gone. And who wouldn’t? It’s just sitting there, looking terrible and being in the way. There are several ways to get rid of your junk car, and most of them get some of your money back into your pocket for it!
Craigslist and the Sale-Sites that frequent social media anymore are a boon to people looking to get rid of old things. If your car runs, and you’re asking for a reasonable price, you can disappear a vehicle in a week or less. Young people are utilizing the online market for finding cheap cars. If yours runs but is still a pile of junk, it would make the perfect first car for any young person.
Simply list your car with all the details and some pictures, keep track of the listing and bump it up occasionally if you need to. Depending on the area you’re in, you could have a sale in a day or two, even! Make sure you’ve got the car’s title handy so you can get it off your hands with little complications.
Tow Away Services
If your car is toast, not running, or doing any of the other things that make a car a car you might need to check your yellow pages. If your car isn’t fit to be driven, there are hundreds of junker businesses. They’ll pay you to let you take your junk car away and do with it what they want.
A lot of these services will tow away, but if you can get the car to them, you’re guaranteed a bit more of a payday. But this is still the perfect solution for getting rid of your clunker of a car that isn’t going anywhere on its own.
Donate it
If your car isn’t quite on its last leg, there’s still some hope for it, it’s probably still useful to somebody. Another alternative to selling it to a teenager is to donate it to a charity that has a use for it. A charitable donation like a car is tax deductible so while it might not mean getting cash up front; it will help you out come tax time.
Donating it makes you a patron in your community; your donation could seriously impact someone’s life in a positive way. Either by putting a complete stranger in a position to get your car for less than the clunker is worth and help them get to work and turn their lives around.
Cannibalize it for parts
If you’re the handier type, before you do any of the other things with your car, you might consider ripping it to shreds with your bare hands and save all the useable parts before selling the rest of it for scrap.
The parts you harvest can be sold, often for a greater profit than when you’re selling the whole car. If the parts are functional, there’s no reason someone won’t eventually want it on eBay—and a box of parts will take up a lot less space than an entire car sitting in your garage.