Be A Lean, Green, Roadtrip Machine This Summer
Posted by admin at 4 September 2019, at 17 : 05 PM

Going for a last minute summer road trip can be a great idea. You’ll be able to enjoy those last few weeks of the summer sun and also enjoy a little peace and quiet now that the kids are back at school.
The biggest factor to think about when heading for a road trip is the car you use. Whether you are heading for a quick journey along the countryside or across states and borders it is important to have a good reliable car.
Another factor to think about when going on a Road trip is the environmental impact you will have as you go. We all want to be more eco friendly and there are lots of ways you can make the change for the better this year. Today we are looking at some of the best tips such as what to do with your belongings, how to pack, and having an automatic transmission service and car checks before you go.
1. Bring your own reusables
Reusable containers can be a great way to make the most of your road trip and not waste food. If you are looking to head for a week trip, there is a great chance for you to bring along a day or two worth of meals in Tupperware containers so that they are ready to go when the time comes. This can make a big impact on your ability to save food and also will ensure that you save some money too.
2. Pack bags
One of the small things you might not consider when heading for a road trip is the fact you will want to do shopping on the road. This means that bringing along bags for life like you would on a normal grocery trip will save plastic and also save you some money.
3. Recycle bags
When following the second tip to the best of your ability, you might still end up with a plastic bag or two on the trip, but these don’t have to go to waste. The best thing you can use these bags for is a diy bin liner which you can bring on camping evenings and trips. It means that you can put all of your rubbish in one easy to access place and get rid of it at the next bin you find.
4. Ditch straws
Straws are a pesky thing and although they look good and can make our lives easier, they also do some real damage to wildlife. We’ve all seen that video of a turtle with a plastic straw up its nose and this is what we are doing to the animals in our oceans all the time. It is important for you to think about ditching the straws all together or using a metal or paper version instead.
5. Look for recycling centres
When you are on holiday the last thing you are likely thinking about is a recycling centre, but it is super important for you to seek these out during your trip. Just because you are out on the road doesn’t mean you shouldn’t follow some simple rules and by recycling on the go you will be doing a lot of good for the planet.
6. Plan out meals
Meal planning is just as important on holiday as it is at home and it can save a lot of time, hassle, and money. Make sure to think about easy to cook and prepare meals which will satisfy and can be used as leftovers for the next day. Also consider adding a day or two for restaurants and bars if you are looking to treat yourself while you are there!
7. Fill up water
Make sure to fill up a large bottle of water before you head out for a road trip. There are lots of great choices such as a big 5 litre bottle which will keep you all going for a few days before you find somewhere to refill it again on the road.
8. Plan route
The main part of a road trip is the car, and as we all know, cars produce emissions. It is important for you to plan your route as well as you possibly can because it will save using more fuel and time on the trip.
9. Get the car checked
Before you head for a long journey it is incredibly important for you to run some simple checks on the vehicle and make sure it is in tip top condition for driving. Make sure to think about getting the car checked out at the garage for any leaks which can be fixed before you head off and also check fluid levels to ensure they are all correct.
10. Check your tire pressure
Tire pressure is an important thing to consider when driving on a long journey and it is important that you take the time out to check it as soon as you can. When the tires are cold, test the pressure with a gauge and then use your manufacturers guide to find the correct pressure before inflating them.
11. Feed wildlife
Instead of wasting any scraps you might have when you cook a meal on holiday, it is always a good idea for you to save these scraps and give them to animals. For example seeds and bread will be happily eaten by birds, a chicken carcass can be eaten by foxes and more. There’s no use in wasting perfectly good food if others can use it!
12. Slow down
Driving at a high speed is something which will always have an effect on your fuel and it is important for you to think about the best possible way to reduce this. Make sure to always stick to the speed limit when you are on the road and you should be able to naturally reduce the fuel you are using which will save emissions and cost you less to fill back up again.