Letting You Ride Better For Longer
Posted by admin at 23 February 2017, at 12 : 25 PM

There is one unanimous fact in the motorcycle world: motorcycles are better than ever. The materials used to build them are light, stronger, and more durable. The engines are far more improved. The durability has increased. The comfort is incredible. Basically, motorcycles are quickly becoming one of the most practical and coolest modes of transport out there, and the variety of bikes now available mimics that statement.
The question is, how do you make your bike last longer, maybe even forever? Well, there are a few basic rules to follow. If you’re an experienced rider, some of these may well be known to you, while others aren’t. If you’re new to the world of riding, some of these tips and tricks won’t have been covered during your study for motorcycle permit. The reason for this is, they are tips and tricks we have collated from riders across the country and individuals who ride in different areas and for different reasons. But despite all the differences, a lot of their advice was echoed, and this is them.
Basic Rules
Store it, maintain, and care for it. If it’s parked, try and keep it out of the sun, so have a cover ready. The same goes for when it is raining. When it comes to maintaining, always check the tire pressures and thread, as well as the fluid levels and the lights and tightness of any fasteners.
Break It In
The first three-thousand miles you do on your bike are the most critical, and they’ll have a lot to say when it comes to the longevity of your bike’s life. So, try and keep your patience when you buy new. Ease your bike into it, and follow the guidelines laid out in the owner’s manual. It may be the break-in period is longer, it may also specify a recommended service after a certain amount of miles, usually 600 or so. Follow their suggestions. But as a rule, accelerate gently and brake conservatively. This will do you wonders.
Your bike is going to need lubricating. What make, model, and year your bike is will determine what requires more lube more often, but keep an eye on spring arms, suspension linkages, bearings, and some cables. The more thorough your maintenance checks are, the more likely you will be able to spot any weaknesses or erosion or rough spots. So clean them properly and do it by hand. This will ensure you are as safe as possible.
The big killer is water. Whether it is you washing your bike, riding it in the wet or leaving it in the rain; your brakes will rust quicker than most other areas. This is dangerous. Any corroding on the brakes is dangerous. As such we recommend you occasionally remove the brake calipers and give them a good old inspection. We do this whenever a brake replacement or tire change is due or necessary. What you’re looking for is simple; corrosion, spillage, leakage, or areas that are sticking. The better and more often you check, the longer your bike is going to last.