Reembracing The Road When It’s Been Driving You Round The Bend
Posted by admin at 30 October 2017, at 19 : 46 PM

Before you learn to drive, hitting the road seems like a dream come true. Non-drivers often dream of the long, meandering car rides they’ll take whenever they fancy. Ahh, the freedom. But, when you can drive, doing so for the sake of it loses its appeal. Car rides like the ones you dreamt of are soon off the cards, and driving becomes a necessity-only skill.
It’s sad, really. You worked so hard for this, and now you only use it to pop to the shops or drive to work. Forget freedom; your car becomes yet another prison to get out of as soon as possible.
Of course, there’s no getting around the fact that driving is harder work than you probably realized. When you’re a passenger, long journeys are all hunky dory. When you’re behind the wheel, things aren’t quite as fun. You can hardly kick back and enjoy the ride. But, that’s not to say that you can’t revive at least some of your old excitement. And, here’s how to do it.
Feel the wind through your hair
In a lot of ways, our lack of enthusiasm comes from a disconnect with the driving experience. Once you’re inside your car, you go through the motions. As such, there’s nothing special about each drive. Imagine, instead, being able to smell the road, and feel the wind through your hair. How much better would it be?
Next time you buy a new vehicle, think about what would bring you closer to the driving experience. A soft-top convertible like the upcoming Audi TT would do the job here. You could let the top down anywhere you fancied, and still rest easy that you’d have cover if it rained. Or, you could go all out with a Harley Davidson motorcycle like the ones found at AMTC. It doesn’t get much better than this if you’re after enjoyment of the ride. There’s a good reason motorcyclists often join riding groups and go out for fun. Give it a try and see how you like it.
Get a good stereo system
No one enjoys driving in silence. The sound of your engine will soon drive you crazy. So, make sure to install a good stereo system for entertainment. Listening to music is a fantastic way to increase your driving enjoyment. When else do you get a chance to sit back and listen to the tunes you love most? Get into this habit, and you’ll soon find that you can’t wait to get in the car.
Take the scenic route
We all live busy lives, and so the fastest route is often the chosen one. But, it’s difficult to enjoy a drive when all you look at are built-up areas and high-rise buildings. So, next time you plan to drive somewhere, leave a little earlier and take the scenic route. Driving down country lanes with stunning backdrops will change your journey experience. Once you get into this habit, you’ll want to do it everywhere you go!