Sorting things out quickly after a car accident
Posted by admin at 4 August 2020, at 10 : 03 AM

If you have had a car accident, getting everything sorted out fast so you can get your car back on the road is important. For most people, being without a car is a big issue. Especially if you live in an area where there is not much public transport, or it is expensive and not convenient for you to use. This short guide is designed to help you to move the process along quickly.
Get the following processes started as soon as possible
At the scene take photos, make a note of the contact details of witnesses, and draw a diagram of the scene. Exchange your details with the other drivers who were involved. Armed with that information you will be in a position to get in touch with your insurance company immediately. In some cases, speaking to Alexandria car accident lawyers (or whatever area is local to you) will make sense for you. If you do decide to do that, the sooner you do so the better.
Understand how the claims process works
When you speak to the insurance company, ask them what happens next and how long each step is likely to take. Knowing this will enable you to recognize when things are not progressing as they should. When you do, you can make a phone call to get things moving again.
Find out who is handling your claim
If you can, get the name and direct telephone number of the person who is handling your claim. Doing this will enable you to speak to them personally. This will save you from having to explain things multiple times to various people and from being passed from pillar to post.
Make notes and keep a file
At each stage spend time making a note of what has happened. Having a timeline and everything easily to hand can also help a great deal. Ideally, if someone asks you for a piece of information you want to be able to give it to them straight away. If they have to wait a couple of days, inevitably they will have moved onto other cases and yours will have slipped down their to-do list.
This simple checklist is a good starting point. But, you may need to add a couple of steps to it after you have read through the claims process your insurance company provides for you.
Provide your insurance company with what they ask for
Reading those instructions and following them carefully will also speed up the rate at which your claim is processed. When you provide people with the information they need and do so in the format asked for you are giving them a fighting chance of dealing with things quickly.
Doing all of the above can make a big difference to how fast you get back on the road. But, if you can afford to do so, it might be a good idea to pay a little extra on your policy so you can get a courtesy car while yours is being repaired.