Things You Might Not Know About Whiplash
Posted by admin at 30 April 2019, at 16 : 59 PM

There is no denying that whiplash is the most common type of injury sustained in car crashes. This injury occurs when the head jolts forward and then back in a violent manner.
If you have sustained whiplash from a car crash, and you are thinking about making a claim. Or, you may be the person who needs to hire a lawyer? Perhaps you were under the influence and need DUI lawyers? Maybe you were driving too fast?
No matter who is to blame, read on to discover some of the key things you need to know about whiplash.
Symptoms don’t always appear straight away – A lot of people bypass a trip to the hospital when they have sustained whiplash. This is especially the case because the symptoms do not tend to show themselves straight away. Therefore, you may feel immediately fine after the car crash, and in a few hours or sometimes it can even take as long as a few days, you are in agony! That is whiplash for you. This is why it is always a wise idea to get checked out if you have been in a car crash, even if you feel fine afterward.
You can try to recover any costs linked with whiplash – Have your injuries left you unable to work? If so, and you are not covered by sick pay, you will be able to claim for loss of earnings. To do this, it is worth getting a letter from your employer. If you are self-employed, you will need proof of previous earnings and anything else that can help to verify how much you are potentially losing. You can claim for any other costs associated with your injuries – These are known as ‘special damages’ and common examples include prescription costs, vehicle repair expenses, childcare costs, travel costs, and counselling expenses. You will need receipts and any other relevant proof to prove these costs.
You have three years to make a claim – A lot of people are shocked to discover that there is actually a time limit on all personal injury cases. This time limit is three years, which means you have three years from the date of the accident to make a claim. This may seem like a long time but it is worth bearing in mind the fact that court proceedings must be issued within this time frame. You will also find it a lot easier to claim the sooner you do so, as gathering evidence will be easier and the incident will be fresh in your mind.
So there you have it: three important things to know about whiplash! With more than two million people experiencing this every year, it is always good to be prepared!