Three Emergency Situations Every Driver Has To Be Able To Deal With
Posted by admin at 27 February 2018, at 23 : 43 PM

No-one sets out to get in trouble on the road, but it will happen. Statistically, every single driver reading this is likely to get into one of three following situations. You can do what is possible to avoid them, but that doesn’t mean you should let them blindside you if they do actually occur. So, let’s take a look at the three roadside emergencies that every driver should know how to deal with in advance, and how you deal with them.
The breakdown
It might not immediately sound as serious or as dangerous as the other two situations, but breakdowns shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you’re unprepared, you’re a sitting duck on the side of the road, especially if it’s dark or visibility is bad. When your car breaks down, there are a few things you need in particular. The emergency kit is the most important. You can find detailed lists all over the net, but it should include things like jumper cables, tools for changing a tire, a first aid kit, warm blankets, and more. You should ensure you always have a fully charged phone turned off and a list of numbers you can call, such as the breakdown service or your nearest mechanic. Try not to get out of your car unnecessarily. You can leave it to place reflective safety cones around it, but if you’re not wearing visibility gear yourself, you are vulnerable.
The accident
Statistically speaking, this is the most likely of all three emergencies and can easily be the most serious. Coping well with accidents is all about learning how to deal with them. First of all, no matter how serious or minor, report it to the insurance company. If it is serious, call the emergency services first, however. Failing to report a crash is actually a crime. Moreover, if someone is seriously hurt, you can get advice on how to help or at least avoid exacerbating their injuries over the phone. Then comes the tricky part of assigning responsibility and protecting yourself as shown at kindleylawyers. Make sure you get what details of the crash you can, including the license plate of any other parties involved, and contacts for any of the witness who can support your side of the story. Notify your lawyer as soon as possible (and make sure you have the number of at least one). Insurance companies can be notoriously difficult to deal with after an accident, so getting sound legal advice right from the beginning is recommended.
The road stop
It’s not an emergency in most cases but dealing with the police on the road can be dangerous. Many drivers will make little mistakes (or big judgement errors) that can make a situation a lot more tense or even dangerous. As instructables says, caution is number one. Keep your hands on the wheel at absolutely all times unless told to do otherwise. Be courteous and polite, but don’t volunteer too much information that can be used against you. Don’t consent to searches. Ask for a badge number and patrol car number and ask if you can write them down. If you’re arrested, don’t resist even if you’re innocent, and ask for a lawyer as soon as it happens. Keep in mind any witnesses to the arrest or stop. But above all else, keep your emotions in check, keep your tone level and don’t get into an argument. The police have an incredibly tough job that can make them very wary of just about any traffic stop. You don’t want them turning against you.
The road can be a tough place, and you can guarantee that it’s going to test you at some point. Those that fail the test are the most unprepared to deal with any kind of troublesome situation. The tips above might not entirely keep you out of trouble, but they can help you deal with it when it rears its ugly head.