Getting Your Vehicle On Its Feet Without A Mechanic
Posted by admin at 15 August 2017, at 14 : 13 PM

It seems the art of working on your car is less and less prominent nowadays. This isn’t a bad thing however; you take your car to a mechanic for an easy fix that you know will work. But there are a few parts of a car that you can fix yourself. Below are a few tips for what you can do for common breakages for a fix that’s cheaper, and won’t require you to visit the shop.
How To Prepare
Keep a track of where all components of a car go and how they fit in. You don’t want to leave out one loose screw and ruin your car body, thus requiring a trip to a mechanic anyway. First of all, make sure the engine is cool. Keep your car stable by pushing something against the wheels to stop any potential rolling, and make sure to use a jack like you would for a quick roadside repair. This will make your working and driving environment safer. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, before you do attempt any repairs, check to see if the car is considered a loss by your insurance and not worth your time, or if you can file a lawsuit. If you have been hurt in a wreck, attempting any repairs would be detrimental to your health and chances of a case. Similarly, if the car was damaged, having your car remain unfixed is often an evidence must in order to hire lawyers and to give you a better chance at winning a motor vehicle damage court case.
Fixing Broken Lights
Find out the type of bulbs your car takes. This can be done based on your own knowledge, or use the expertise of in-store assistants in local garages or automobile shops. This can work out cheaper for you as you won’t be fobbed off with bulbs too bright or unnecessary for certain types of vehicles.
Giving Your Car An Oil Change
Make sure you know what kind of oil and the filter that’s necessary for a change. Loosen the oil pan bolt and drain off the old oil, then, replace the old filter and add more oil, and then, simply screw the bolt back on. Take as much time as you need with this one as working out which bit is which can be tricky at first.
Replacing The Battery
When a car won’t start, the first port of call is the battery. However, it’s not just a battery that creates power for your car, it’s the alternator as well. Measure whether or not your car battery has enough energy, which goes hand in hand with a measure of the alternator. If either of them aren’t registering power, they’ll need a replacement.
For more serious elements of a car’s design such as brake pads or the engine, it is better to visit a mechanic. However, you can teach yourself the basics from tinkering, which will help in the long run for bypassing heftier bills.